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Virtual-Living: 3D Environment/Community
Note: German translations are published when available.
Hinweis: Deutsche Übersetzungen veröffentlicht werden, wenn sie verfügbar.

Description and modern perspective of Virtual Life,
In the context of Online Community.

Listed Text:
1- Online 3D Virtual Environment.
2- Online 3D virtuelle Umgebung.
3- Virtual Community; Just like a 3D Town.
4- Article: Repetitious habits (SignUpGamers).
5- The Scourge Of The Web.

1- Online 3D Virtual Environment;
A Colony in development!


3D Virtual Environments have developped on internet from old 2D Chat-Rooms. Somewhat similar to previous technologies, like VRML 3D Places, Cybertown, 3DPlanets, and IMVU. Roomancer Interface is set appart.
It is so advanced, even nowadays, the next step is Virtual Holograms!

With Roomancer Interface and the HUB (Moove website), every User can be regarded as a "colonist" (immigrant, sojourner), whether a Guest or Owner of a "maiden land". And the whole of these Colonists is constituting a Colony!

Ancient's Legacy:

Right-Click on image to enlarge.

Very Long time members can feel quite nostalgic,
remembering what Moove once was, more than 5 years ago.
There were over 900 Online Members, regularly! So many Clubs and Places were listed, members used to do "club-hopping" all night long! Users could spend weeks meeting new people, giving a hand to Newcomers, producing Events, Contests, Parties and all kinds of happenings...
It was during that period, the Golden Age, when program Engineers and Designers created so many Tools, Items, and Outfits. All those resources that are still available nowadays, and which are essential to Roomancer. They have literally assembled and fashioned what is Moove/Roomancer today!

And that is their Legacy!

The Modern Era:

- Roomancer program is the 3D Interface, a Peer-To-Peer System
working with internet connection.

- Moove website is the Main Hub, presenting all fundamental options, settings,
and linking all Users to the central axis, the Nucleus.

- In a whole, all together the Users can be regarded as a "colony",
each running Roomancer and linked to the Main Hub.

Considering the context of autonomy and independence, which is now provided by the Main Hub (Moove website), it is useless to try and "bring back" the "old Moove". That period is gone forever.
What we have now is the result, each and every tools and resources that were put in place, and that we can enjoy unhindered nowadays. This is exceptional and extraordinary! The core of the contemporary community, mostly made with very long time members, they are remainders from the Golden Age: The Ancients! And what they have in their hands is a New Colony! All the means and resources are there, for them to pioneer the development of a New Era.


The first stage in the life of any colony is the gathering of members and resources around the Main Hub. In some cases, individual counts gained enough power to conduct misbehaviour, rascality, and mischief, as the "hostile parties". In all cases, the first task is to study the context and perform a comprehensive survey. The actual process of planting a colony can vary widely. Starting colonies might be no more than a few hundred people with few resources and tools. The majority of colonies are planned. What a given colony will be is determined by the colonist's interests, creativity, and dedication.
The first stage of the colonization consist of the planting of a single small ground base, a Social Infrastructure. Then colonists land and begin the process of building a productive colony. At this point, the colony produces little, which consists of necessities (resources) for allowing the colony to continue to grow. With the passage of time, successful colonies grow and accumulate both population and resources. Such colonies begin looking to their own defenses and managing.

In this Virtual Community,
The Owner/Creator have left clear and precise Principles, as fundamental guidelines:
Moove Terms Of Service

Even a colony being established and fostered by a Social Infrastructure will need to produce enough autonomy for managing itself. With continued success, a colony will spread and its population continue to grow. First, and most prominently will be the relative wealth of the colony in terms of creativeness, and originality. Second will be political factors (Social Infrastructure). A third factor will be an estimate of the threat the colony is under, in terms of "hostile parties". If a colony remains successful, it will import additional resources and members, and perhaps it will expand. The growth rate of a given colony will depend, more than anything, on whether the place (3d world) is habitable (peaceful, interesting, motivating) or is faced with constent litigations (hostile parties). Places (3d world) which are "habitable" will see the population begin to expand of its own accord (Like IMVU, Shaiya, etc.). Places (3d world) which are "non-habitable" or "hostile" will never experience the growth of those "habitable" worlds.

It is at this stage that a colony will begin seriously evaluating its need to support or expand the actual initiative and pioneer assets. Colonies that are still weak will continue to strive with difficulties, and short-term issues. Stronger colonies will seek to better their situation, find more creative members, gather resources, and promote improvements. A very strong colony will rise and attract more members. Its level of creativity and originality ensures activity of all members who are interested in collaboration. Friends will bring more friends, and the colony will expand.


If a colony continues to be successful its next move will be to create gatherings, circles of people with similar likes. Individuals in the colony will seek "free air", a place they can call their own (Team, Group). Some will set up Teams, some will create their own Group. Associations and alliances will emerge. At the same time, the colony’s leadership will seek to link all those "new lands" together, for the growth of the colony itself. Expansion is a clear indication of the success and growing affluence of any colony. The colony at last achieves the enviable status of being autonomous, and independent! Self-maintaining. The linking of "new lands" (Teams, Groups, associations, alliances) are bringing the crucial Togetherness that is needed to overcome any "hostile parties".


The Expansion Phase flows into the Flowering.
Such a colony might have a Circle of active Creators, Authors, Designers, Architects, Tool engineers, etc. A collection of listed Clubs and Places presenting interesting and diverse lobby, salon, and parlours. Scouts for welcoming New Arrivants, leading them to the right resources and guidelines. A successful colony will deploy with all its strengths, energy, and efficacy. The final phase of a colony in its march is maintaining itself (survival), supporting the Creativity (resources), and seeking more arrivants (persistance).

Thanks to the Ancients from the Golden Age, This Virtual Community has everything it needs.
Roomancer/Moove Forefathers have given us an extraordinary template!
As remainders from the Golden Age, the core of the contemporary community,
we have this "new colony" in our hands with all the means and resources
to pioneer the development of a New Era.

"For evil to triumph;It is only necessary that good people do nothing".

Edited from the text:
By Steven P Petrick,

(Moove Group)


2- Online 3D virtuelle Umgebung;
Eine Kolonie in der Entstehung!


Virtuelle 3D Umgebungen im Internet sind aus alten 2D Chat-Räumen entstanden.
Die Roomancer-BenutzeroberflächeAehnlich ist ähnlich wie die vorhergehende Technologien,
von VRML 3D Orte, Cyberstadt, 3DPlanete und IMVU aufgebaut.
Sie ist so fortgeschritten, sogar heutzutage, dass die nächste Stufe virtuelle Hologramme wären!

Mit welchem jeder Benutzer sich mit dem HUB (Moove Webseite) verbindet, Jeder Benutzer kann als "Kolonist" (Einwanderer, Gast) angesehen werden, egal ob es sich dabei um einen Gast oder den Besitzer des "jungfräulichen Landes" handelt.
Alle dieser Kolonisten zusammen bilden die Kolonie!

Antikes Vermächtnis:

Right-Click on image to enlarge.

Mitglieder, welche schon sehr lange dabei sind, fühlen sich eventuell etwas nostalgisch,
wenn sie sich daran erinnern wie Moove vor mehr als 5 Jahren war.
Es gab über 900 Online Mitglieder, regelmässig! Es waren so viele Clubs und Orte aufgelistet, dass Mitglieder die ganze Nacht "Club-hüpfen" konnten! Benutzer konnten Wochen damit verbringen neue Leute kennenzuleren, Neuankömmlingen zu helfen, Events zu veranstalten, Wettbewerbe abzuhalten, Parties zu feiern und allerlei Geschehnisse zu verfolgen...
Es geschah in dieser Periode, dem golden Zeitalter, als Programm-Ingenieure und Designer so viele Werkzeuge, Gegenstände und Outfits erstellten. All diese Resourcen gibt es heute immer noch und sind essentiell für Roomancer. Sie haben im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Moove zusammengesetzt und hergestellt, was Moove/Roomancer heute ist!

Und das ist ihr Vermächtnis!

Die moderne Gegenwart:

- Das Roomancer-Programm ist ein, Peer-To-Peer (Anwender-zu-Anwender) - System,
das mit Internetverbindung funktioniert.

- Die Moove-Webseite ist der Hauptraum,
der alle fundamentalen Optionen, Einstellungen presentiert
und der alle Benutzer mit der Zentralachse, dem Nucleus, verbindet.

- Gesamthaft gesehen, können die Roomancer-Benutzer,
alle zusammen verbunden mit dem Hauptraum, als eine Kolonie angesehen werden!

Unter Anbetracht des Zusammenhangs der Autonomie und Unabhängigkeit, welche der Hauptraum (Moove-Webseite) anbietet, ist es sinnlos zu versuchen das "alte Moove" zurückzubringen. Diese Zeit ist für immer vorbei. Was wir jetzt haben ist das Resultat, jedes einzelne Werkzeug und jede Resource, die hergestellt wurde und die wir heutzutage ungehindert benutzen können. Dies ist aussergewöhnlich und besonders! Das Herz der gegenwärtigen Gemeinschaft, meist aus Langzeit-Mitgliedern bestehend, ist der Restbestand des goldenen Zeitalters: Die Antiken! Und was sie in ihrer Hand haben ist eine neue Kolonie! Es sind alle Einrichtungen und Resourcen vorhanden,
damit sie eine neue Aera pionieren und entwicklen können.


Die erste Lebensstufe jeder Kolonie ist das sammeln von Mitgliedern und Resourcen um den Hauptraum herum. In einigen Fällen, gelingt es einigen Mitgliedern genug Macht zu erreichen, um Fehlverhalten, Gaunereien und Unheil zu stiften, gegen "feindliche Pateien". Auf jeden Fall ist es die erste Aufgabe den Zusammenhang zu studieren und eine umfangreiche Umfrage durchzuführen. Die Mehrheit der Kolonien sind geplant. Was für eine Kolonie es sein soll, wird durch die Intressen, Kreativität und das Engagement des Einzelnen festgelegt.
Die erste Stufe der Kolonisation besteht aus dem Anlegen einer einzelnen kleinen Grundbasis, einer sozialen Infrasturktur. Die Kolonisten landen und beginnen den Prozess eine produktive Kolonie zu bilden. An diesem Punkt produziert die Kolonie wenig, welches aus Notwendigkeiten(Resourcen) besteht, damit die Kolonie weiter wachsen kann. Im Laufe der Zeit wachsen erfolgreiche Kolonien heran und nehmen an Population und Resourcen zu.

In dieser virtuellen Gemeinschaft hat
der Besitzer/Gründer klare und präzise Prinzipien als fundamentale Richtlinien festgelegt:
Moove Anwenderbedingungen,
Nutzungsbedingungen (Terms Of Service):

Sogar eine Kolonie die durch eine soziale Infrastruktur gegründet und betreut wird, muss genügend Autonomie produzieren um die "feindlichen Parteien" zu managen. Mit weiterführendem Erfolg, vergrössert sich die Kolonie und die Population nimmt zu. Zu aller Erst und hauptsächlich spielt der relative Reichtum der Kolonie in Sachen Kreativität und Originalität eine wichtige Rolle. An zweiter Stelle stehen die politischen Faktoren (soziale Infrastruktur). Der dritte Faktor ist eine Einschätzung der Bedrohung der Kolonie durch "feindliche Parteien". Wenn eine Kolonie erfolgreich bleibt wird sie zusätzliche Resourcen und Mitglieder importieren und sich eventuell erweitern. Mehr als alles andere hängt die Wachstumsrate einer bestimmten Kolonie damit zusammen, ob der Ort (3D Welt) bewohnbar (friedlich, interessant, motivierend) ist oder mit dauernden Prozessen (feindliche Parteien) konfrontiert wird. Orte (3D Welt), welche "bewohnbar" sind, können mit einer sich aus eigenem Antrieb steigenden Population rechnen (wie IMVU, Shaiya, usw.). Orte (3D Welt), welche als "nich-bewohnbar". Oder "feindlich" gelten, werden niemals das Wachstum dieser "bewohnbaren" Welten kennenlernen.

Es geschieht in dieser Phase der Kolonie, dass die Kolonie ernsthaft beginnt ihre Bedürfnisse abzuschätzen, um tatsächliche Startinitiativen und Pionierausstattungen zu unterstützen und zu erweitern. Kolonien, die noch schwach sind, werden sich weiter mit Schwierigkeiten und Kurzzeitangelegenheiten bemühen. Stärkere Kolonien sind bestrebt ihre Situation zu verbessern, noch mehr kreative Mitglieder zu finden, Resourcen zu sammeln und Verbesserungen zu fördern. Eine sehr starke Kolonie wird sich erheben und mehr Mitglieder anziehen. Ihr Mass an Kreativität und Originalität stellen die Aktivität aller Mitglieder, die an Zusammenarbeit interessiert sind, sicher.
Freunde bringen mehr Freunde und die Kolonie erweitert sich.


Wenn eine Kolonie weiterhin ein Erfolg ist, ist ihr nächster Schritt Zusammenkünfte abzuhalten, Kreise mit Leuten mit ähnlichen Vorlieben. Mitglieder der Kolonie werden "Freiraum" suchen, einen Ort, den sie ihr eigen nennen können (Team, Gruppe). Einige werden Teams erstellen, andere kreiieren ihre eigene Gruppe. Verbindungen und Allianzen entstehen. Gleichzeitig strebt die Führung der Kolonie eine Verlinkung all dieser "neuen Länder" an, für das Wachstum der Kolonie selbst. Erweiterung is ein klares Anzeichen des Erfolgs und wachsenden Wohlstands. Zuletzt erreicht die Kolonie einen beneidenswerten Status als autonom und unabhängig! Selbst-erhaltend. Die Verbindung von "neuen Ländern" (Teams, Gruppen, Verbindungen, Allianzen) erbringen die entscheinde Zusammengehörigkeit, die notwendig ist, um alle "feindlichen Parteien" zu überwinden.


Die Erweiterungsphase geht in das Erblühen über. Eine solche Kolonie könnte ein Kommitee von aktiven Erzeugern, Authors, Designers, Architects, Tool engineers, etc. Eine Ansammlung aufgelisteter Clubs und Orte, die interessante und vielseitige Eingänge und Salons beinhaltet. Helfer, um neueintreffende Neuankömmlinge willkommen zu heissen und sie den richtigen Resourcen und Richtlinien zuzuführen. Eine erfolgreiche Kolonie setzt all ihre Stärken, Energie und Effizienz ein. Die letzte Phase einer Kolonie auf ihrem Marsch ist sich selbst zu erhalten (überleben), Kreativität zu fördern (Resourcen) und neue Ankömmlinge zu suchen (Ausdauer).

Dank den Antiken des goldenen Zeitalters hat diese virtuelle Gemeinschaft alles was sie benötigt.
Die Roomancer/Moove Vorfahren haben uns eine ausserordentlich Vorlagen übergeben!
Als Rest des goldenen Zeitalters, dem Herz der gegenwärtigen Gemeinschaft,
haben wir diese "neue Kolonie" in unseren Händen mit all seinen Mittel und Resourcen,
um ein neues Zeitalter zu pionieren und entwickeln.

"Damit das Böse triumphiert, reicht fehlendes Handeln guter Leute"

Edited from the text:
By Steven P Petrick,

Das Königreich des Lichts
(Moove Gruppe).



3- Virtual Community; Just like a 3D Town!

This wonderful 3D Interface program (Roomancer) does set up a realistic virtual environment. Flexible, versatile, creative, and very addictive Although it can be utilized in privacy offline, once connected to the Main Hub (Moove website), it becomes part of an online community, which is in fact a 3D Town! Large or small, whether online or in real life, any gathering of people does constitute a village! 3D characters, or actress/actors (avatar), does not differ from the real person behind it. Interaction occuring between these "virtual citizens" is ruled by the exact same principles of Human Relations. Intentions and purposes are the same as well.

Basically, human relations is defined as interactions among people, cooperative efforts into social situations bringing them motivation, psychological, and social satisfaction. Mental perceptions are influenced by everything that has passed through an individual's mind. That includes all of a person's experiences, knowledge, biases, emotions, values, and attitudes. No two people have identical perceptions, because no two people have precisely the same experiences. Therefore, interactions within a social environment does carry the potential for conflicts among people.
And this principle is the same in Virtual Community!

This is an important topic,
because "virtual citizens" does engage in human relation activities!

Interaction in Virtual Context:

A tort is a private or civil wrong or injury (harm),
including action for bad faith breach of moral contract (interference).

- Individuals wish to be secure in their person against harm and interference, not only as to their physical integrity, but as to their freedom to move about, and their peace of mind. This is true whether they are at home in real life or at home in a virtual context (Roomancer).

- A Character in virtual context (actress/actor) is the characterisation of an individual which is valuable and persistent. It does embody real people, who want friends, clothing, homes, goods, entertainment, and to be secure and free from disturbance. They have the Right to have these things in their virtual environments. They want to be interacting with others whilst protected against the interference with their private lives, their actions, their relationships, and their honour and reputation.

In any society, be it virtual or real, it is inevitable that these interests encounter conflicts.
The virtual community calls people who promote conflict “griefers” (trouble-makers).

Griefers are people who like nothing better than to accomplish mischief, or to obstruct other’s honourable efforts. Griefers scam, cheat and abuse, often victimizing the weakest and newest members. In virtual contexts that attempt to encourage creativity, fellowship, and enduring interactions among groups of citizens, “griefing” (trouble-making) has evolved from being an isolated nuisance to a social disease. Most virtual set ups (virtual worlds) identifies them (griefers) using the notion of irrelevance (impertinent, inappropriate).

3D Characters, or actresses/actors (avatars), does embody real people!
Nothing can be "just a game" if it involves moral consequences. Whatever is happening, if it really matters in an ethical or moral sense, it cannot be "just a game". [Johan Huizinga] Virtual set ups or contexts are complex and persistent worlds, which are particularly vulnerable to negative behaviour. Not because they offer more rules to break than the real life does, but because there is just the same at stake for citizens.

- For every 3D-Citizen who is content to view the virtual world as "realistic",
there is another who gleefully ruins everything.

- For every 3D-Citizen who does not care if virtual citizens are harassed, hoaxed or duped,
there is another who views these offences and malfeasances
as a computer crime of the highest order (misdemeanour).

- For every 3D-Citizen who sleeps soundly after being banished from a virtual community,
there is another who thinks about committing suicide.
[Castronova, 2005]

Self-Protection in Virtual Context:

Your 3D Virtual set up (Roomancer rooms, 3D-House)
is just the same as your real home or appartment!
Keeping griefers away and being at peace is very simple.

Roomancer/Moove Forefathers have provided several Tools for that:

- Keep your doors closed;
Click on the button "House",
Click on the small arrow to the right of the Room Name,
Set up the Properties for that Room.

- Adjust your Team-Limit;
On Community Page, Scroll down, click on TEAM,
On the page Team, scroll down, click on Team Limit,
Set your Team Limit to the lowest number.
(you will get a message when a member tries to Team you)

- Adjust your setting for not displaying your wherabouts;
On Community Page, scroll down, click on "Profile and Privacy",
Scroll down to "Show Activity", Uncheck the box.
(so your activities are NOT revealed by Community Server Notification,
and the member you are visiting will NOT be shown on your nickpage).

- Ask reputed Genuine Long-Time membersabout other members you do not know.

- Read the Nickpage before allowing "Buddy";
Pay attention to House-name, Age, Interests & Portrayal,
How long a member and Number of log ins
(active members log in 20/30 times per month).

- Get rid of trouble-makers (griefers);
Right-click on a Visitor, select "Dismiss".

- Do not respond to bullying (in messages or on Boards);
All they want is to engage into feed backs.

- Put an end to nuisance (harassments and annoyances);
Go on the member's Nickpage, press the blue button "Ignore".
(remove "buddy" for that Button to appear)
Members on Ignore cannot visit, and cannot send message.

3D Virtual environment must provide positive interactions.
Your Roomancer-House is just the same as your real home

Enjoy privacy and peace,
and participate in your Virtual Community!

"For evil to triumph, It is only necessary that good people do nothing".

(Moove Group)


4- Arcticle: Repetitious Habits
(The SingUpGamers)

Read details: > 3rd. SEMESTER REPORT (Dec.2013) <

Addendum to 3rd. Semester Report (Dec.2013):

General Information: Repetitious Habits

- Der Zweck ärgerlich.
Es gibt 2 Arten von Registrieren  Gamers:
> Bereits Moove-Mitglieder
Erstellen von Fälschungen (Alts/Fakes) für verschiedene Zwecke,
> Non-Moove-Mitgliederein Haufen Kinder nicht die Mitglied in Moove (Ausländer),
die Spaß mit neuen Spitznamen jeden Tag.

Wiederholende Unterzeichnung bis und die Schaffung neuer Spitznamen
(Weggeworfen-Fälschungen, nur Ein-Login-Fälschungen)
es nicht zu ärgern jemand, und es kein Problem zu schaffen an allen! 

Die unmittelbare Konsequenz ist mehr strengen Kriterien der Auswahl
für die Gewährung von Gold-Mitgliedschaft Paket.

Es ist völlig nutzlos ihnen die Mitgliedschaft geben,
weil sie vorübergehend sind!
Innerhalb von wenigen Tagen (ein Woche, maximalen)
Diese spitznamen werden verlassen.

Wiederholenden  Gewohnheiten http://www.ksm.ch
Zwangsstörung http://www.gehirn-und-geist.de
Autismus-Spektrum-Störung http://autismus.ch
(Artikel: Autismus, Autismus Spektrum)


Article: Repetitious Habits 

Ref.: Signing-up and creating new Nicknames (Alts)
over and over, one after the other, everyday. 

- SignUpGamers: ThrowAway-Alts and OneLogin-Alts.
Basically, there are 3 possible motives to this abnormal behaviour:
1> Filling the form habits (OCD).
2> Autistism related repetitious tasks (ASD).
3> The impression of doing that annoys somebody
(must be aware or thinking it's affecting somebody). 

1- Compulsion symptoms.
OCD compulsions (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) are repetitive behaviors that you feel driven to perform. These repetitive behaviors are meant to prevent or reduce anxiety related to your obsessions. Compulsions typically have themes, such as performing the same action repeatedly. Symptoms usually begin gradually and tend to vary in severity throughout your life. Symptoms generally worsen during times when you're experiencing more stress. OCD is considered a lifelong illness.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be so severe and time-consuming that it literally becomes disabling. You may be able to do little else but spend time on your obsessions and compulsions (ie: creating Alts)!

With OCD, you may have a low quality of life because the condition rules most of your days. You may be very distressed, but you seem powerless to stop your urges. If your obsessions and compulsions are affecting your life, see your doctor or mental health provider.

©1998-2013 Mayo Foundation
for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).

2- Spectrum Disorder.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Obsessions, repetitive behaviour and routines can be a source of enjoyment and a way to cope with everyday life. But they may also limit people's involvement in other activities and cause distress. People with an ASD have many different obsessions but some of the more common ones include computers (ie: creating Alts). It is the Intensity and Duration of a person's interest in a particular habit that marks it out as an obsession.

There are several reasons why people may develop obsessions. The obsession may provide structure, order and predictability, and help people cope with the uncertainties of daily life. People who find social interaction difficult might use it as a way to feel more self-assured in social situations. A way to deal with stress and anxiety, and to block out uncertainty. People's dependence on routines can increase during times of change, stress or illness, and may even become more dominant or elaborate at these times.
[Attwood, 1998].

We all have hobbies and interests, and a strong preference for routine.

Here are five questions that can help distinguish
between hobbies and interests, and obsessive behaviour.

> Does the person appear distressed when engaging in the behaviour,
or does the person give signs that they are trying to resist the behaviour?

> Can the person stop the behaviour independently?

> Is the behaviour impacting on the person's social habilities?

> Is the behaviour limiting the person's social opportunities?

> Is the behaviour causing significant disruption to other people? 

If your answer to any of the questions above is 'yes',
it may be appropriate to look at ways of helping reduce obsessive
or repetitive behaviour.

©The National Autistic Soxiety. 

3- The purpose of annoying. 

There are 2 types of SignUpGamers:

> Already Moove-Members,
creating Temporary-Nicknames for different purposes,

> Non-Moove-Members,
a bunch of kids not being member in Moove Hub (Outsiders),
just having fun signing up with new Nicknames everyday.

Repetitive signign-up and creating new Nicknames,
(which are in fact ThrowAway-Alts and OneLogin-Alts),
does not annoy anybody, and it does not create any problem at all! 

The immediate consequence to that is
more strict criteria of selection for granting Gold Membership Package.

It is totally useless giving membership to those Temporary-Nicknames,
simply because they are temporary!

Within couple of days (a week, maximum),
these nicknames are abandonned (thrown away).

(Moove Group)


A source of widespread dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence. People tend to be a bit braver once they don the "anonymity cloak" the internet provides. Internet Trolls are people who post abusive content online with the aim of offending or provoking someone else into a reaction.

The Rats-Queida-Gang: > The Actual Situation <

Kids playing Terrorists on Moove website!
Trolling is about mischief and harmless silly pranks. But really extreme behavior, attacking reputation, friends, and families, even imposing Tyranny on an entire vitual community is a behavior with a different motivation.

For Trolls, it's a creative outlet to exercise wit, blow off steam, deal with boredom from lack of intellect, and it provides themselves entertainment. Profanity-laden screeds and putdowns makes them giggle. Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language makes them laugh.
Whitney Phillips;
New York University lecturer,
currently writing a book on trolling behavior.

Without face-to-face presence, a potential troll is more likely to perceive others as a "target" rather than a real human being. If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another. Most trolls have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger (...) Anonymity plays a role in someone's propensity to spew bile, but the bile was there first, just waiting to be hurled out at unsuspecting passers-by in cyberspace.
John Suler;
Rider University psychology professor.

What can be done to keep the trolls at bay?
Where is the line between trolling and harassment?

Many countries harassment laws extend to cyberspace, and bullies have been/are jailed nowadays for crossing that line in the eyes of judges. Britain's politicians are considering new laws that would require websites to reveal the identities of trolls who have posted defamatory content about other people online. In Italy prosecutors aren't only going after cyber-bullies, they're also threatening action against the social media sites themselves. David Aaronovitch (The Times newspaper in London) says most online abuse would go away if we simply pulled away the "cloak of anonymity" that emboldens trolls.

- Insist on registration and lack of anonymity.
- The best way to deal with trolls is to simply ignore them.

The Scourge of Moove:
Regarding Moove website (moove.com), The KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT has communicated with several Law Authorities instances (in several countries), which are experts in dealing with these cases (online Trolls and online Abusers). 

Moove Peer-to-Peer system Server (community.moove.com/cs) utilizes the current ip address for connecting Roomancer Owners. Basically, it's ip-to-ip. Since these (5) Rats/Trolls are crossing boundaries of common sense (Tyranny), and by doing so they are threatening the sole existance of Roomancer's Server (community.moove.com/cs), the only option is to apply the recommendations from Law Authorities and Expert instances.

KOL-Tracker does pick up and record more information than only current ip connection number address. Adding to the ip connections they are "using", KOL-Tracker records each the name of the Internet Provider company from which they get internet services (connection), whenever they are online (Rats/Trolls). Company name, address, coordinates, phone numbers and emails, Internet Service department officer and representatives, (complains and abuse reports), Host facilities name, etc. KOL-Tracker does record so much information on each of them (Rats/Trolls), we even have the internal number to the computer they are using on each occasion!

The KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT will communicate in person with those Internet Provider companies and Host facilities, providing them information KOL-Tracker has picked up (Nickname, Internet Service ip, location, connection and computer identification, etc.) on each Rat/Troll that has been identified as Scourge of Moove website (moove.com). From then, those Internet Provider/Host Companies will then proceed and take the matter into their own hands. Roomancer-3D Owners/Users must do their part.

When low self-estime people get all wrapped up in their narcissism and rebelliousness, they are more likely to pick on others they don't even know. When those people think they're anonymous, and when conversations aren't happening in real-life, they feel like they can quickly dash off a negative comment and then immediately escape altogether. Each and every Roomancer-3D Owners/Users must do their part for protecting and upholding their own Privacy and Safety. 

As per The KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT recommendation:

Do not give them Rats/Trolls the attention they are seaking for.
Simply ignore them and everything they do.
Everybody is free and independent!
Just ignore them.



The Rats/Queida-Gang: 
is placing Roomancer Server in Danger!

As Roomancer/Peer-to-Peer system Owner/Users,
We all need its Dedicated Server (community.moove.com/cs).

If Moove website (moove.com) is shut down,
There will be no access to login Roomancer on its Server! 

Roomancer Peer-to-Peer system Server (community.moove.com/cs) utilizes the current ip address for connecting Roomancer Owners. Basically, it's ip-to-ip. Since these Rats/Trolls (shezawolf, Anubisdark, Painne_US) are crossing boundaries of common sense (Tyranny), and by doing so they are threatening the sole existance of Roomancer's Server (community.moove.com/cs), the only option is to apply the recommendations from Law Authorities and Expert instances.


The anonymity cloak on the internet is only apparent for general people who are not familiar with basic notions about Networks. In reality, that pseudo anonymity cloak on the internet does not exist. Each computer entering the internet has a name. This name consists of numbers (ip address/host), which seem absolutely senseless to people who are not acquainted with them. Those numbers contain a lot of information that are useful when interpreted in the right way, for instance with the help of a WHOIS. 

WHOIS Lookup enables you to send requests to the database of IP addresses and domain names (hosts) in order to get information about their owners, administrators, geographic location, physical address, phone number and so on. WHOIS Lookup will present you the country where the machine with the internet access is located, the name and contact details of the provider, etc.


Everybody can make use of simple Tools which are very easy to understand.
Everybody who is constently interacting with "people" on internet should use this WHOIS facility.
Especially those who are in a vitual community, 

The WHOIS Facility: WHOIS (pronounced as the phrase who is) is a query and response protocol, that is widely used for querying databases, that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block, or an autonomous system, but is also used for a wider range of other information. The protocol stores and delivers database content in a human-readable format. 

On the WHOIS Report, you only needs to find 2 things:
- Internet Service Provider: OrgName/Address
- Reporting Abuse eMail: RAbuseHandle/OrgAbuseName.

And then, file a complaint to the related eMail(s). 

REPORT ABUSE (Harassments) You are Victim:

A- Get the Nickname/User ip address number.
Use Windows Netstat: > INFO/HowTo < 

B- Tool: > WHOIS ip data < 

C- Report by email:
eMails below are related to each Nickname/User Internet Service Provider
Anybody can find those (by Whois).

Rats/Trolls Hijacking Moove website (moove.com):
Scourges of Moove website.

(if you need their ip address, do communicate with the KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT)

1- Shezawolf
JennLuv/lilly bunny/Krulla-vom-Olymp/Warwara (and related Alts):
(BHM ADSL CBB) abuse@att.net
(Time Warner Cable Internet LLC) abuse@rr.com

2- Wolf Heart/AnubisDark/ KingCuff Daddy Bryan Crescendo/Da-Ice-Man/Aminboards
(and related Alts):

(Time Warner Cable Internet LLC) abuse@rr.com

9- Painne_US/DianeDelicious/XXMariannaXX/Punky Angel (and related Alts):
(AT&T Internet Services) abuse@att.net
Send Complaints Directly to Move Server:
This eMails (moove.community.server)
With the Nicknames you are victime of:


Abuse and Harassment (moove.com)
Moove.com - Berlin, Germany
Christian Mueller

Read the Nickpage: > THE-KINGDOM-OF-LIGHT <

For evil to triumph, It is only necessary that good people do nothing.
Damit das Böse triumphiert, reicht fehlendes Handeln guter Leute



Mmelaniemaus Website

Mmelaniemaus Website

xCateyx and CarlD.

xCateyx and CarlD.
Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image).


Moove Artistic Photographer (Right-Click on Image)

MiLady Marianna

MiLady Marianna
Right-Click on image (Nickpage)